Why Recycle?

Recycling conserves resources
The demand for raw materials used to make plastics, glass, papers, and metals is reduced when we collect recyclables and convert them into new products. Less demand for petroleum distillates, minerals, and trees helps to reduce the pressures of oil refining, mining, and logging on the environment.

Recycling reduces the need for landfills
Diverting recyclable materials from landfills helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promotes the development of markets for recycled goods.

Recycling saves energy
Oftentimes, it takes less energy to convert recycled materials into goods than to produce goods from virgin materials. Because it takes 95% less energy to recycle an aluminum can than to make an aluminum can from virgin mined bauxite, aluminum cans are one of the most recycled goods we have today.

Recycling helps to alleviate global warming
By reducing the stresses of greenhouse gas emissions, mining, and deforestation, recycling positively impacts our environment.

Recycling saves money and promotes goodwill
Using recycled materials reduces the raw material and energy costs of manufacturing and more broadly reduces the costs associated with negatively impacting the environment. Not only are these savings seen by consumers at retail, consumers feel good about purchasing "green" products.