From your participation, we have contributed to:A contribution is made to The Genyouth Foundation for each NFL Fuel up to Play 60 Bin sold. Recognizing the importance of promoting good nutrition and exercise among children, Recyclingbin.com is pleased to offer the Fuel Up to Play 60 Recycling Bin. This bin has been designed to inspire kids to eat healthy, be active and recycle. Fuel Up to Play 60 is a program founded by both the National Dairy Council and National Football League, in collaboration with the Genyouth Foundation. With increased awareness of the child health and wellness issues over the past ten years, this program brings leaders in health, education, government and business together to empower children to promote healthier eating habits and encourage a more active lifestyle. Purchased Fuel Up to Play 60 Recycling Bins are being placed and used in schools nationwide. We are pleased to support this initiative to improve the health and well-being of the younger generation and would like to thank those who have contributed to this effort.   The Coastal Recycling Bin was originally introduced in light of the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill tragedy. This bin was not only designed to increase recycling rates around our water ways, but raise funds for those afflicted by the oil spill. For each Coastal Recycling Bin sold, we pledged to contribute 7% of the bin purchase directly to communities and parties impacted by this tragedy. We would like to thank the 70 plus customers ranging from individuals to schools to companies who have bought a collective 235 Coastal Recycling Bins. We are proud to announce that with their efforts, we have been able to donate $1,284 to the National Wildlife Federation's Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Fund. While oil is no longer visible on the surface, there are still significant amounts of oil on the Gulf floor. This remaining oil has washed into the wetlands and beaches in the surrounding area, afflicting present and future wildlife populations and eco-systems. The Gulf Oil Spill Restoration Fund is committed to restoring such wildlife populations, food webs and recreational nature sites in the impacted area.